Day 71
No gym. No nothing. I am taking another rest day. Feel wiped out.
Day 72
I rode the mountain bike towing my daughter in the chariot. I love hanging out with my little girl, she is so awesome!
Day 73
I went for a run pushing the Bulldog. That is what my self and others call my son, his other nickname is meatball, he is round, cute, and so cuddly. When he was littler he always looked kind of grumpy so he looked like a little bulldog growling. Know he smiles all the time so it is loosing its effect, but I still love it. He was super good on the run, about an hour, and he slept the whole time, maybe four or five miles total.
I still feel pretty weak from being sick. I have not really pushed myself working out since I have been back.
Day 74
Went to the gym and had a good workout going until some guy interrupted me to talk. Turned out to be a good conversation, but jacked up my workout. I have got to get my home gym set up to avoid this. There is to much social shit going on in gyms, I just want to work out!!!
Day 75
Good road bike ride today. I took it pretty mellow, but had a pretty good time heading out, slowed down a bit on the way home but all in all a good ride. I am starting to feel like myself again. I did get caught in a rain storm on the way back. Sometimes Colorado rain can be so cold, guess it might snow tonight.
This will be my 15 or 16 winter since Taber and I basically started building our lives around snowboarding. I would not recommend this for everyone, but it seems to be working for us so far. Things have changed a bit, and the kids (thankfully) and work (not thankfully) are taking more and more precedence in our lives. However when the snow starts to fall and the mountains start to open I still get just as excited as I did every prior year.I am more patient these days and I try to watch less snow porn this far out, but the thought of catching some more powder days this year is just as enticing as ever. This year I got my best riding buddy back after a year on the pregnant reserve list. I also think this is the year my daughter is going to start really riding, as opposed to sliding with me catching her. Who knows what the 2012-13 Vail winter will hold? I can’t wait to find out.
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