Day 76
My wife got the stomach bug today. It has taken the Leto’s down. Spent all day with the kids which was awesome, but no workout except carrying around my son all day.
I have recently started counting all calories, and just about everything else going in the old body. I use MyFitnessPal app on my Iphone. I just got my wife an Iphone 4 for .99cents. She lost her 3s a week or so ago. That’s not important but awesome, point being I am really watching everything I eat even closer. Trying to take everything to the next level.
I started to feel a little down lately. I just re read my blog and I noticed I do not really talk about how tough this is. It is tough to find time to workout, to work at my jobs, to become a personal trainer, to be a dad, and to be a husband. To find the motivation to eat healthy and to work out and, a lot of times I don’t want to work out. Shit I don’t want to do anything, but where would that get me? So what do I do to keep going?
I spend most of my free time looking at motivational quotes, videos, anything to spark that fire in me, to remind me why I started this journey. I can’t reinforce enough that it was not the eight pack. I needed to let myself know that I could make a change in my life. There are so many things in this world that I can not control. What I can control is what goes into my mouth, and how often I exercise, and when I exercise how hard I push myself. These things are for the most part totally up to me.
When I decided to make this change my pie in the sky was to get an eight pack. I am 76 days in and have for the most part really stuck to my program and little by little I am seeing the physical changes occur. More important than that is the mental change that I am going through.
I will not give up on this journey. I know that. My behavioral change is starting to become a mentality change. I do not think about things the way I use to. I am not the same person I was 76 days ago and I will never be that person again. This is not different from anyone else. No one is the person they were 76 days ago. We all change, the difference is I am taking control of the changes. I am purposefully creating the person that I want to become, little by little, it will not happen over night, but it will happen.
It is however a constant struggle and I don’t want that to get lost on anyone wanting to do this same sort of thing. It is not easy, but nothing worth doing ever is. I remind my self of this multiple times a day, and one day I will not have to remind myself, because it will be who I am.
I will be an author, personal trainer, and motivational life coach.
Day 77
I spent the day working, than taking care of an emergency at our rental unit. A sewer drain that was filled with sewage got backed up and I had to go rent a seventy five foot snake to unclog it. Really shitty day, literally.
After I got home and showered for about an hour. I kissed and hugged my wife good night and than did 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, some planks, and some stretching, ate a little food and off to bed around midnight.
Day 78
I woke up this morning smiled at the moon still in the sky. Three little birds slept outside my window, but I was awake at 5am. Helped put my son back to sleep, prepared my meals for the day, than I was out the door to workout. I got a great circuit workout in at the hotel, concentrating on my legs, shoulders and back. I kept my heart rate high the whole time, got a great sweat in, dripping.
Two more days left till I meet with the trainer again. The only thing I know we are going to do is measure body fat, because I am curious. I have got to get in a sprint interval workout in the next two days.
11/16 is the opening day at Vail, almost one month away, hopefully a powder day!
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