Day 157-214
1/2/12 - 2/28/13
Two months since my last post and what a two months it has been. The highlights or lowlights in this case was the flu for five straight days and a pretty messed up back. I would tell you what is wrong with my back but I do not know and it is still not 100%. I have spent over $2000 at the chiropractor and it is better but I am not sure fixed. I went a month with out working out or snowboarding and it has been torture. But I am on the mend and I did not fall off my diet at all so I did not lose too much ground, but I did lose some. I am just not as lean as I was a month ago, but its coming back soon.
Anyone who is reading this, who is active and healthy, count your blessings and just try to remember how truly lucky we all are. Life and health are fragile.
I have been doing a lot of personal training during this time. I have been teaching classes and picked up three clients so far. This has helped keep me in the gym and thinking positively. Without it I may have got lost over the last month. However being forced into the gym even when I could not work out kept me focused enough to stick with my diet and a heavy dose of stretching. Without knowing it my classes/clients may have helped me more than I helped them.
I am going to try to get back to writing this blog more frequently and really get into more detail about the workouts and diet. I have started two new supplements, magnesium and fish oil. I have a 50 day supply of both and will see if they make any difference.
I have only worked out twice since I have started to recoup and they have been relatively mellow. I will workout tomorrow and will see how it goes. Wish me luck with my back and I wish all of you health and happiness.
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