Friday, November 30, 2012

“A person can achieve everything by being simple and humble.”

Day 117
Ended up going on a run, somewhere around 4-5 miles. Awesome run into the white river national forest, so peaceful! Felt good to get outside, the weather has been really nice, which is great, but we need snow!

Day 118
I made it to the gym this morning around 6:00, worked out with heavy weights for about an hour. Cleaned up the gym and than went to a ski conditioning class at 8:00am. I for sure kicked my own ass this morning. Feeling really good right now, and I am glad about that because I was feeling not so good after Thanksgiving. It was fun to let lose for a little while, but is amazing how much damage you can do in a couple of days, for something that took weeks to accomplish. I gained two pounds in two days, crazy but true, and it was not muscle. Just confirms how vital diet is to the whole process of looking good. You can work your ass off but if your diet is not right, you will not get the results you are looking for.

Day 119
Rest day to get ready for a bit of snowboarding with my wife tomorrow.

Day 120
Snowboarded for about an hour before we got called home. Babysitters kid got sick, somethings are not meant to be. All and all it was a really fun day.

Day 121
Woke up at 4am with a very sick wife and a wide awake eight month old. Still got in 100 push ups, 100 sit ups and when my wife was feeling better I got in a 16 mile bike ride before dinner. The bike ride was awesome, it was sunny and 45 degrees which is great except that it should be snowing, weird dry warm winds are a blowing.

Day 122
Went to the gym this morning and lifted weights. I love getting to the gym when it is still dark out.
I am a third of the way through my get an eight pack experiment.  I currently have a six pack for the first time in my life. When I first started I thought about this time and wondered what it would be like. Well I can say that I am both excited with the results and humbled by the journey, along the way I am learning a lot about myself.
For starters I am by far my biggest critic, which is both good and bad. It is good because I am always self-critical which makes me push myself harder, but bad because I am never satisfied. I am 37 years old and am in the best shape of my life and when I look in the mirror I immediately see the faults and mentally criticize myself for all of them.  It works both ways, it gets me motivated to work harder, to eat healthier, but at the same time it is very hard for me to enjoy any success that I have.
As I think about this I realize this has been a theme of my existence. All good things have always been meet with a healthy dose of some self loathing, and all bad things were always taken as, well I deserved it.  I can think of some things from my youth that might have helped this seed to grow but for the sake of having my big boy pants on I am going to take full responsibility for this and just know it about myself. I have been trying lately to give myself a mental pat on the back every now and again.
Secondly, I do not miss drinking alcohol as much as I thought I would. When people ask me how you could give up drinking my response is the same, “I have drunk plenty and been drunk plenty”.  My nights in college and the ten years I spent snowboarding after college were pretty heavily dosed with lots of alcohol. I can honestly say that not one of those drinks did anything for me, but I remember thinking they were.  I am older now and almost all of the drinking I have done for the last six or seven years has been pretty responsible, but none the less pointless. I have never found the answer to anything at the bottom of a bottle and I have seen the bottom of a lot of bottles. I am also at a point in my life that I do not need alcohol to relax or loosen up, I am pretty loose sober.  At the end of the year I will have a couple drinks here and there but not as often as I use to.
Third I am humbled and thankful for every moment of my life that has lead to this moment right now. I am blessed with a great family and I am living the life I imagined as a kid driving his Chevy Blazer out to Colorado fifteen years ago. I am not even sure how it all happened, but I am so thankful that it has.
Last but not least I am inspired. Even though I am third of the way through my year challenge I feel like my healthy living is going to stick for life. I enjoy challenging myself to eat better and to work harder everyday. I want to be in better shape next year than I am this year and continue that trend till by body just won’t cooperate anymore. In other words I plan to have a six pack till the day I die.
I will end on this note. I am looking so forward to sharing my experiences with others and hope I am lucky enough to help people out on their own journeys to a healthier existence.
243 days to go!

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