Day 32
Great bike ride yesterday although I was trying for a Hardscrabble to Pipeline and I think I might have come down 2nd gulch? There was a fork in the road and I think I choose unwisely. I will do some more investigating soon. It is such a beautiful ride and so much fun to be out in the mountains. ColoRADo is awesome and I am so thankful to live in such a beautiful place.
I had to work late last night and early this morning. I tried to wake up even earlier to get a run in, which I did. Although the run was a grueling, both mentally and physically, I ended up being short on time. I basically did a sprint interval workout. One minute on, one off for 3.2 miles running at an 8 than 9 on the treadmill. I had no food in me, my legs were tired from yesterday, and I was tired from no sleep. Whaaaaaaaaa! Such a complaining little, whatever word you want to put in here.
I am going to try to get do some yoga later just to stretch everything out. For some reason I have not been good about stretching and I need to be more diligent about it. My hamstrings are already naturally tight and all of this exercise is not making it any better. This upcoming month I will place focus on a good stretching after workouts. I also got a couple free yoga classes coming my way and will throw those in the mix as well!
Diet is still going well and getting easier, I just don’t eat junk anymore, my food is my fuel. Craving for sugar is gone and I do not miss alcohol at all. There is a wedding party waking up at my hotel this morning and they all look like they got their asses kicked last night. No thank you!
I have been critical of my appearance in the mirror lately. Even though people are telling me I look better I impatiently want to see new and improved results everyday. This is obviously not going to happen. I remind myself that there are going to be peaks, valleys, and everything in between on this journey. Stay focused, trust the process, and never quit. Tomorrow back in the gym for some IRON!
Day 33
In looking over this blog I notice that I have been complaining about work since day 16. I am going to stop doing this because there is no point. I am happy and thankful to have a job and the best boss I have ever had. Someday I will support my family in a different way. For now I am going to stop whining and focus on the positive aspects of my job!
That being said I am at work it is 2am, the night auditor called in sick, I will be awake all night. At 7am I will head home to get some sleep. I will try to get about 5-6 hours wake up head to the gym and spend the afternoon/evening with my family.
Before coming into work I did about 30 minutes of yoga on an awesome site that I found www.doyogawith This site has all different yoga classes and is totally free! Felt really good and reinforced the thought that a little yoga needs to be sprinkled on top of all this working out.
Also found another great blog by a guy named Steve Maxwell. I really enjoyed his blog. If you are reading this you should Google him, you will like it. He talks about dynamic health and balanced health. This really resonates with me because the eight pack that I named this blog after is superficial if there is nothing to back it up. I don’t just want to look like I am in good shape I want to be in good shape. I want to create a lifestyle that encompasses eating healthy, exercising healthy, living/thinking healthy. I want to own these things so that I can share them with anyone interested in learning. I am not the master of any of these things yet, but I am finally on the right track.
Stay focused, trust the process, never quit. This is my new mantra!
Thank you